Hi everyone!
You must have seen many many conversion charts off late with some cute sketches and "lots of information".
If you find it easy to use, then go ahead. But personally I feel it is a waste of time!
When I was a beginner, I used to save those 'oh soooo important charts' all the time!
And soon realised that they just confuse you more than giving you information.
I wanted to share with you what I think is easiest way to remember.
You LITERALLY have to remember just THREE things. Nothing else!-
A) 1 Cup= 250 ml (or 240 ml in some cases, which also works)
B) 1 Tbsp= 15 ml
C) 1 Tsp= 5 ml
What we get out of the above info is just simple mathematics. You really don't have to be a mathematician to understand it!
➡ 1/2 cup= 125 ml ~ 120 ml
➡ 1/3 cup= 83.3 ml ~ 80 ml
➡ 1/4 cup= 62.5 ml ~ 60 ml = 4 tbsp (i.e. 15 x 4)
Also = 12 tsp (i.e. 5 x 12, but wait.. this is exactly the kind of nonsense information you don't need! Are you ever going to use your tsp measure 12 times to measure 60 ml? Gosh! 😏😏😏)
➡ 1 tbsp= 15 ml = 3 tsp (i.e. 5 x 3)
➡ 2/3 cup = please don't bother yourself with too much maths while enjoying baking. Just use your 1/3 cup measure twice!
➡ 3/4 cup = same as above! Use your 1/4 cup measure thrice! (Or you can use 1/2 cup + 1/4 cup measure but why would you dirty two cups when you can work with one!)
Some 'hoity toity people have separate cups in their set for 2/3 and 3/4 cup measure, if you're one of those, then congratulations!
➡ Most importantly, start using weight measurements! 😜😜
On a side note, there are cups with 200 ml and 235 ml volumes too. But I personally find the 250 ml and 240 ml measurement to be the most efficient since it relates the most to the measuring spoons (refer to the maths given above). But of course to each his own.